ELNEC Curricula may only be purchased by individuals who have completed an ELNEC Train-the-Trainer Course. ELNEC Curricula are updated annually and should be ordered every three years to maintain current information, references, and resources.

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These can be downloaded from on the City of Hope Pain and Palliative Care Resources. These are free of charge and no copyright is needed. 

ELNEC International Fund

ELNEC’s primary aim is to educate nurses to improve end-of-life care. While our initial efforts, launched in 2000, were focused in the United States, many ELNEC trainers have had opportunities to travel internationally and provide this education to nurses and other healthcare providers throughout the world. Currently ELNEC trainers and faculty have represented 99 countries. In this increasingly global world, these opportunities have highlighted the imperative that we disseminate the valuable work and accomplishments of the trainers in this country to the international community; however it is costly to do such work.

All tax deductible contributions will go to the ELNEC International Fund. The dollars raised will be used for direct cost of international outreach. International outreach includes: distribution of ELNEC curricula, translation of curricula, hosting courses in other countries, and scholarships for international colleagues to attend a U.S. course.

Support the ELNEC International Fund

Ellie Coyne Memorial Fund

Eloise “Ellie” Bernadett Coyne, was a volunteer coordinator at the Medical University of South Carolina. She was also the wife of one of our esteemed colleagues, Patrick Coyne and a beloved-ed friend of ELNEC. At age 57, Ellie passed away Wednesday, June 22, 2016 as the result of an automobile accident. She loved animals and loved to laugh. She enjoyed traveling, helping others, volunteering and spending time with family, friends and especially her grandchildren.

The Ellie Coyne Memorial Fund will be used to help build a pediatric wing of the new hospice in Eldoret, Kenya. A hospice which Ellie's husband, Patrick, and ELNEC have had the pleasure of visiting.

Support the Ellie Coyne Memorial Fund